Category Archives: no heat required

Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

If you offered me a deviled egg at any point in my life until about a year ago, I would have told you that you are disgusting and need to go away from me.  Aside from the issue I had with manners as a kid, I also just had no idea what deviled eggs even were and thought they looked gross.  I wish I could have gone back in time and told myself to “wake up and smell the eggs” (weird?) because now I love them.  Although, if I did know how much I liked them, I probably would be obese by now so it’s probably for the best that I just recently discovered how great they are.

A friend forced me to take a bite of one a year ago and I’ve only had them about seven times since.  I tried making them for the first time on Easter because my grandparents thought that eight people could consume 36 hard boiled eggs.  So needless to say we had a lot of extras eggs.  That same morning, a girl I went to high school with posted a Youtube video from The Seasoned Cook on how to make deviled eggs.  His video adds a lot of extra stuff into it, which I definitely am not into, but I got the basic idea of how to make deviled eggs from this video.  They are super easy and insanely delicious. It’s also really easy to make them look pretty so people tend to be impressed by that as well.

To make deviled eggs you ‘ll need:

hard boiled eggs


brown mustard


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